Yes yes and yes. It's been forever since I've posted... forever and a day. Lots of good times and some super sad goodbyes have taken place since early May. To give a super quick wrap up...
There was senior week where I had terrible allergies following me, but of course I still went out. That's when everything started to hit me that I was graduating. Senior week was awesome, though, because I literally saw sooooo many of my friends that week. More often than not I saw about 5 people each night from my ballroom dancing class... loved that class and loved the people. Many memories there. Oh, and my $5,000 bicycle got stolen out of my apartment... but let's not go into that one...
Then there was graduation... Somehow I survived two graduation ceremonies (Schreyer's Honor college medal ceremony and then my two diplomas) without blowing my nose... it's a mystery how that happened. My parents came up and we took some funny pictures, hiked mount nittany, drove the Black Mo bicycle ride, rode with my Dad up Allegheny street in Bellefonte and then Upper Lime, also took my Dad up Pine Grove Mills as we got caught in a rain storm and saw a beautiful rainbow. Those two bike rides really got me itching to start riding my bicycle again. My parents and I ate a ton of Creamery ice cream and I got some awesome graduation/birthday gifts. And it marked the departure of all my roommates.
I had about 2 weeks of nothing but relaxation. I hung out with my best friend Kelly for the majority of the time. I started swimming everyday at the outdoor pool. That was the best feeling ever as it had been 2 years since I had really been able to swim laps outside... amazing feeling. I'd swim around noon, take a nap and then ride my bicycle late in the afternoon. I went on some hikes and just chilled around downtown every night.
About a week before I left I went running on the 6 mile Mount Nittany trail loop and about half way through I managed to trip, take a hard landing on my side, and broke my 6th rib...most painful thing ever. It's been almost a month and it still hurts to take deep breaths. For the first two weeks after the incident, I couldn't even breathe normally because of the pain and was constantly short of breath. Even worse was trying to sleep at night as anything that would touch my back or stomach (like laying down) would affect my rib. I still have to roll out of bed. haha
I also had the most amazing nights watching Mr. Hand and The Mustache Ride at the bars... Brewery, Skeller, and the Saloon. Those were some amazing lasting memories of Penn State. Definitely miss headwhacker and his sidekick, and of course all the groupies!
I have a plane ticket back to Penn State for a 4 and a half day stay over Labor Day... that trip can't come soon enough. I miss my best friend and I miss my favorite moments with the band.
Oh, and yes, I have to buy a plane ticket because I'm now residing in Omaha, Nebraska. So far so good, but I sure do miss my friends. It's hard to move to a place where you know absolutely nobody... it can get quite lonely... but I'm slowly making some friends... nothing can replace penn state though! :) But... more on Omaha another day...
I posted some pics up above... which you already know, but they are just some moments from the past month.
smile :)
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